Féroce Cruise Control

$147 First 3 Months then $49/month

Our Féroce Cruise Control program is designed for those who are already familiar with tracking macros and don’t need or want a lot of communications with a coach but could benefit from having the added layer of accountability and knowledge from a real live person!

We understand that for some people the household budget may simply not allow for a fully individualized coaching option, but we also know that simply following a template or generating numbers from some website are unlikely to yield the best results.

With the Cruise Control program you’ll get a weekly recommendation from one of our coaches about whether to adjust your macronutrients and by how much. Our coaches will have full access to view your food diary as well as measurements & progress photos that you’ll provide through our coaching platform.

Who’s It For

People with a good understanding of macro tracking.

Those already familiar with tracking but who need accountability & guidance on adjustments
People who don’t need a weekly check-in
Those who already have a good understanding of macronutrients
People who have already had a beneficial one-on-one nutrition coaching experience
People who have a balanced and healthy relationship with food

Camille Leblanc-Bazinet at Farmers_Market

What You Get

Access to our software to track your progress
Weekly macro adjustments from a real human being. One of our coaches will check your information & make a recommendation
Access to our private members group on Facebook
Beginner Macro Video

What to Expect

Access to our software to track your progress
No feedback, but a recommendation on adjustments
Facility to upload progress photos
Weight & waist measurements to be tracked weekly

It never gets easier.


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